Final Dissemination Conference 2022

Thessaloniki, Greece 20-21 January 2022

GAPP Final Dissemination Conference 2022

We are pleased to invite you to the Final Dissemination Conference in the framework of the GAPP project which takes place in hybrid form (online and with physical presence) on 20-21 of January 2022.

The Conference event gathering executives and policy makers from the regions and from other relevant institutions. The aim is to promote the project achievements and to disseminate the results of the action plan implementation to a large audience.

The event will take place online via Zoom. You will find find an online registration form, the programme and other useful information related to the event the following sections.

If you are interested, please confirm your participation to receive all information and dial-in details.

We sincerely hope that you will find time in your busy agendas to join us. Please do not hesitate to disseminate this invitation among interested colleagues or stakeholders.

Should you have any questions, feel free to contact Dissemination & Communication team (info[@]

Draft Programme

The GAPP Final Dissemination Conference is a 2 day event. The preliminary program can be found here and is due to changes.

Travel Information

Get useful information about flights and hotels as well as a brief history review of Thessaloniki


Register online to revceive the link for the two days dissemination event on for the half day training session of the second day.

About the Venue

The auditorium of Papageorgiou General Hospital has 300 seats. It can be used by Private Entities, Public Sector, International Organizations and Unions to organize Scientific, Technological or cultural events.

About Thessaloniki

Which is the best way to experience Thessaloniki? Of course by walking in the neighborhoods of the city! Bustling, colorful and vibrant, every district of Thessaloniki has it’s own particular characteristics, drawing the charm of this magical coexistence between the old and the new.

Greece Covid-19

All information and necessary documents for travelling to Greece.

Questions about the conference or travelling to Greece? Drop us an email!

We will do our best to answer all your questions.