Final Dissemination Conference 20-21 January 2022

GAPP JA Final Dissemination Conference 20 & 21st January 2022    

Overview of the work by the Joint Action

Bridging the gap between science and effective policies & the next steps towards BTC policy implementation 

GAPP JA Final Dissemination Conference will take place as a hybrid event on the 20th & 21st January 2022, with the host location being Thessaloniki, Greece.

The GAPP JA Final Dissemination Conference aims to bring together a diverse audience and key high-level representatives from EU Institutions, partners, experts and scientific associations, as well as donors and patients’ associations to stimulate multi-stakeholder dialogue and views, and promote optimal use of SoHOs and a uniform approach across the EU.

Day one of the event comprises of the presentations of Work-Package (WP) leaders along with an overview on the work carried out in each WP during the course of the Action.

Day two, is dedicated to interactive sessions and discussions on how to effectively bridge the gap between science and effective policies. We  take a closer look at governance, the current state-of-play in the EU and beyond along with the role of Associations and Registries. We look at and the next steps towards BTC policy implementation to ensure patient and donor safety, and the quality of treatments

The Preliminary Agenda is available online and details on the conference can be found in the link GAPP DISSEMINATION CONFERENCE 2022. The event is free of charge.

For further information regarding the event and GAPP JA work, please contact the GAPP Dissemination & Communication team 

About GAPP (facilitatinG the Authorisation of Preparation Process for blood, tissues and cells)  Joint Action (JA): is co-funded by the European Commission under the EU Health Programme, aiming to facilitate the development of common and optimal approach to access and authorize new preparation processes in Blood and Tissue Establishments. For a quick overview check out our two-minute video.