About the Hospital
The Papageorgiou General Hospital of Thessaloniki is a Legal Entity Governed by Private Law, of a non-profit nature, which offers prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation services.
It is a hospital with functionality and high designing and technological standards, a modern building at the NW side of Thessaloniki at the area of N. Efkarpia in the Municipality of Pavlos Melas, next to the ring road, and 7km from the city center. It consists of buildings that cover an area of 75,000 m2 inside a lot of an area of 150,000 m2.
The commencement of its operation in August 1999, the establishment of the Teaching Clinics in 2004, has completed in the best possible way the staffing of the Hospital which is currently engaged in a standing cooperation with the School of Medicine of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

More specifically, the auditorium is equipped with:
- Audio & Microphone systems
- State-of-the-art audiovisual system and fully equipped control center, which allow for absolute coordination of speeches and participant interventions
- Speakers Panel (committee desk with five seats and just as many microphones, PC monitors and a single podium)
- Wireless microphones
- Large projection screen
- Video projector
- Slides projector
- Laser Beam Pointer
- Film viewer
- Internet access (wired & wireless)
- Interpreter booths
- Full climate control and soundproofing - acoustic absorption
- Fire detection and protection systems
- Independent entrance for conference participants - guests
- An ATM for interbank transactions
- A separate reception hall (foyer)
- Sufficient space for coffee breaks, catering services, parties as well as space for installment of stands
- Cloakroom
- WC
- Emergency exits
- Parking spaces
Supplementary rooms
The central auditorium is supplemented by a smaller seminar room, with capacity for 50 people, and 2 additional rooms, with capacity for 20 persons each, which can be arranged according to the needs of a specific event and be transformed into meeting rooms, lecture halls, alternative secretary's offices and side event areas. They can be arranged in a Π-shape for meetings-councils, or in the form of classrooms for projections. They are provided with full electronic equipment and can be used either at the same time as the larger auditorium or independently.
The Papageorgiou Hospital comes even closer to the people of the sciences, the arts, the letters and the broader sector by opening the gates of the Auditorium for Private Enterprises, State Agencies, State Organizations, Scientific and Cultural Institutions, International Organizations, Unions and non-profit Associations that would like to host events with a view to promoting science, technology and culture.